Strategies For Divorcing A Narcissist In South Africa


Divorcing a narcissist can be one of the most trying and emotionally draining experiences you may ever face. The manipulation, deceit, and gaslighting commonly associated with narcissistic behaviour can make the process overwhelming. However, with the right strategies and support, you can navigate this difficult journey and protect yourself and your children.

Divorcing a narcissist is challenging due to manipulation and emotional tactics. Key strategies include gathering evidence, securing legal and emotional support, and working with an attorney experienced in high-conflict cases. Prepare carefully to protect yourself and your children throughout the process.

When it comes to getting a divorce from a spouse who shows signs of or has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, you should strive to put in careful planning and execution to protect yourself and your children from emotional and financial harm. Understanding this disorder’s nature and employing effective strategies can ensure a smoother and more controlled divorce process.


What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental condition characterised by a lack of empathy for others, an inflated sense of self-importance, troubled relationships, and a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. Individuals with NPD often display arrogance, a sense of entitlement, and a propensity for manipulating and exploiting others to achieve their own ends.


Why Is Divorcing A Narcissist Challenging?

Divorcing a narcissist is challenging because they often refuse to cooperate and view the divorce as a personal attack rather than a legal process. They perceive the end of the relationship as a direct affront to their self-esteem and may go to great lengths to punish you.

Narcissists may engage in vindictive behaviours, including lying, manipulating, and using children as pawns. They thrive on conflict and will use the divorce to maintain control over their spouse, making the process more contentious and prolonged.

Narcissists show exemplary skill when it comes to playing the victim and will often manipulate the legal system to their advantage. They might delay proceedings, make unreasonable demands, or engage in smear campaigns to tarnish your reputation.

Additionally, their lack of empathy means they are indifferent to the emotional and psychological toll their actions take on you and your children. This relentless need for dominance and control makes it difficult to reach amicable agreements, necessitating a strategic and well-prepared approach to protect your interests.


What Kinds Of Behaviour Can You Expect When Divorcing A Narcissist?

Divorcing a narcissist is often tumultuous due to their manipulative and vindictive nature. Recognising and preparing for their tactics is crucial to protect yourself and your rights.

Here are some common behaviours you can expect:

  • Manipulate the Narrative: Narcissists often paint themselves as the victim and you as the villain, rewriting history to suit their agenda and casting you in a negative light.
  • Use Children as Leverage: They may attempt to turn your children against you or use them to gain sympathy, making false allegations about your parenting or manipulating their emotions.
  • Refuse to Compromise: Expect fights over every detail, from custody to financial settlements. Narcissists see compromise as a loss of control and will stubbornly contest every point.
  • Engage in Smear Campaigns: They spread false information about you to friends, family, and even your legal team, aiming to damage your reputation and isolate you from support.
  • Gaslighting: Making you question your memory, perception, or sanity by denying or distorting facts, insisting events you remember never happened.
  • Projection: Accusing you of behaviours they are guilty of, such as being controlling or dishonest, diverting attention from their own actions.
  • Triangulation: Using another person, often a new partner, to create conflict and divert attention from their behaviour.
  • Moving the Goalposts: Constantly changing expectations or requirements, making it impossible to meet their standards and keeping you off balance.
  • Love Bombing and Devaluation: Initially overwhelming you with love, then withdrawing and treating you poorly to make you chase validation.
  • Stonewalling: Refusing to communicate or cooperate, stalling the divorce process and increasing frustration.
  • Playing the Victim: Twisting the narrative to gain sympathy and divert attention from their abusive behaviour.
  • Financial Manipulation: Controlling your shared financial resources and hiding assets to prevent a fair settlement.
  • Parental Alienation: Manipulating your children to create a wedge between them and you, often through false allegations.


What To Do Before You Start Divorce Proceedings

Divorcing a narcissist requires meticulous planning and preparation to protect yourself and your children from potential retaliation and manipulation. Before starting the formal process, it’s essential to take several proactive steps. These steps will help you build a strong foundation for your case and ensure you have the support you need throughout the divorce.


  • Gather Important Documentation: Collect all necessary documents, such as financial records, property deeds, and evidence of any abusive behaviour. This evidence will provide the required proof to support your claims during the divorce proceedings.
  • Don’t Tell Your Narcissist Spouse That You Plan on Divorcing Them: Informing a narcissist about your intention to divorce can lead to retaliation. Keep your plans confidential until you have secured legal and emotional support.
  • Consult with a Divorce Attorney Experienced in High-Conflict Divorces: An attorney who understands the complexities of divorcing a narcissist will be crucial. They can anticipate the narcissist’s tactics and help you develop a strong legal strategy.
  • Build a Support Network: Inform your family and friends about your situation. Narcissists often lie to others to gain sympathy, so having a support network that knows the truth will be invaluable.
  • Seek Professional Help: A counsellor can provide emotional support and coping strategies during divorce. They can help you uphold your mental health and build resilience against the narcissist’s manipulative tactics.


Strategies To Help During Divorce Proceedings

Navigating a divorce can be difficult, but with a narcissist, it can be even more challenging. However, specific strategies can help you maintain control and protect your interests.


  • Enlist the Services of a Forensic Accountant: A forensic accountant can uncover hidden assets and ensure that all financial information is accurately presented. This process is essential when dealing with a narcissist who may attempt to hide resources.
  • Limit Communication: Reduce direct communication with your spouse as much as possible. Use your attorney to relay messages; if you must communicate, do so in writing to prevent them from twisting your words.
  • Set Clear Boundaries: Establish and maintain firm boundaries to protect yourself from the narcissist’s manipulative behaviour. Clearly define what is acceptable and stick to these limits.
  • Consider Parallel Parenting vs. Co-Parenting: Co-parenting with a narcissist can be nearly impossible due to their need for control and conflict. Parallel parenting allows parents to remain involved in their children’s lives while minimising direct interaction.
  • Opt for Mediation: Mediation can help resolve disputes without giving the narcissist a public stage to manipulate and grandstand. A neutral third party can help you by facilitating discussions to help you reach fair agreements.


By understanding the nature of narcissistic behaviour and implementing efficient strategies, you can successfully navigate the divorce process and safeguard your well-being. Remember, you are not alone—reach out for the support you need and take steps to build a brighter, healthier future for yourself and your children.

At Burnett Attorneys & Notaries, we recognise that divorcing a narcissist is both complex and emotionally draining. Our team is well-versed in this process’s unique challenges. We can offer expert legal guidance to help you navigate this challenging journey and work towards a fair and just conclusion. Contact us today to learn how we can support you in your divorce proceedings and protect your rights.